Monday, March 30, 2009

A walkin' we will go...

This morning Mommy took us on a long walk. We walked down to the church and she let us go in. We sniffed around but not much happening in there. Then we walked back and we saw a dog we've seen in the neighborhood. He was sunning himself on the ground. Taz wanted to get close to him - I guess to get him away from me (Jack) but Mommy wouldn't let her.

Sunday we went on another long walk. We got real tired and slept Sunday away...Zzzzzzzz

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This picture speaks for itself. Taz is sound asleep ;-)

Friday, March 20, 2009

First day of Spring!

On the first day of Spring Jack and Taz are enjoying some quality time outdoors. Taz is sunbathing (too early for her bikini yet) and Jack is doing what he's best at - hunting for something to dig his nose in ;-)

It's a beautiful spring day....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Taz is feeling better and back to normal!

Little Taz is feeling much better. Yesterday she was back to normal - loud and abrasive. Barking at anything, wiggling and jiggling. She does that when her tail wags and she's happy. Her whole body jiggles!

Thanks to those who prayed for a speedy recovery for Taz. ;-)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Little Taz has been sick ;-(

Yesterday Taz must have eaten something that did not agree with her. It's normal for Toy Fox Terriers to dig and eat something in the ground. They are afterall "ground hunters". Apparently she ate something that did not agree with her. Within hours she was sad, ears back and having tummy problems. She ate a cup of rice and is feeling better, I am happy to report. Taz is resting in her bed and soon she will be back to her old self. Even her big brother, Jack, is watching over her. ;-)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Woof Woof

Yesterday Taz was upset. Another dog entered the property and all she could do was bark the dog away. I don't mind too much. I like having friends over but Taz doesn't. She's just trying to protect me. She doesn't need protecting. Taz is pretty ferocious. Like...the other day there was a herd of deer on our property and she chased them away too. Gee...she only weighs 8 pounds!!


show me some love!